Electrical installations for oil companies and pharmaceutical companies out upon it the company the opportunity to delve into the fields of industrial process instrumentation. Today Ro.Ca works, designs, manages, provides, installs, tests and certifies, im works with process instrumentation of the following type:
• Flow indicators, temperature, differential pressure, level, flow;
• Electronic transmitters with Hart communication potocolli, Profibus, Fieldbus Foundation, volumetric type differential pressure, ultrasonic and V-Cone
• Staff level transmitters, differential pressure, torsion bar, magnetic stripes, guided-wave multiphase fluid;
• Thermocouple temperature Transmitters or thermoelement with Hart, Profibus communication protocols, Fieldbus Foundation;
• Pressure and differential pressure Transmitters with Hart communication protocol, Profibus, Fieldbus Foundation;
• Conductivity Transmitter with Hart communication protocol, Profibus, Fieldbus Foundation;
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